Kaizen Softworks Logo in Spirit Color

IoT Device Management Platform

Streamlining Business Operations Through a Custom IoT Device Management Platform

logo SmartSense


SmartSense by Digi is a global leader in delivering data-driven IoT solutions for retail, supply chain, and industry. They help companies enhance operational efficiency, ensure compliance, and manage product quality.

SmartSense serves 2,000+ organizations in 75 countries, including Walmart, CVS Health, Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, SpaceX, Apple, and the U.S. Department of State.


Boston, Massachusetts

Company Size

100-150 employees


Ongoing since 2019


Manual Sensor Installations

SmartSense encountered challenges related to manual and time-consuming sensor installations. These challenges resulted in slower daily deployments, and higher installation and maintenance costs

Field operators had to manually assign sensors to customer locations, relying on visual matching with paper maps and checklists. This manual process was not only time-consuming but also error-prone, reducing the effectiveness of the installation process and ultimately affecting the company’s reputation. 

Additionally, their in-house software engineering team was focused on modernizing legacy systems and lacked the time and expertise to take on the development of this project. 

Visual representation of a room equipped with sensors strategically positioned at multiple locations
Strategic placement of sensors in a facility map


Create an IoT Device Management Platform

Our dedicated team created a customized mobile application, revolutionizing the sensor installation process for field technicians. By creating a real-time installation process with built-in quality checks, this solution removed the need for pre-configuration and post-installation quality checks. As a result, the solution reduced a three-step manual process down to a single, automated step

Ask Manager Mobile Screen of the IoT Device Management Software
“Ask Manager” Automatic Alert
Gateway Device Mobile Screen of the IoT Device Management Software
Scan Gateway
New Asset Mobile Screen of the IoT Device Management Software
Add New Asset

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

This app significantly saves time, resulting in installation cost reductions and enhanced technician productivity. Furthermore, the app elevates service quality by enabling technicians to synchronize devices with the system on the spot in real time. This enables them to verify sensor measurements and immediately address potential hardware issues, before they leave the customer’s site for another location. The app also provides timely maintenance alerts for low batteries or hardware issues, ensuring optimal sensor performance.

To ensure the ongoing success of the app, our dedicated team maintains a collaborative partnership with SmartSense. We actively gather feedback and implement regular updates, ensuring the solution remains effective and up-to-date.


100% streamlined operations means less time on site, leading to 40% higher technician productivity, lowering the per-installation cost.

Automation and quality checks minimizes technicians’ site re-visits by 95% and boosts Smartsense’s reputation for quality.

Reduced time on site led to SmartSense tripling its installation capacity.



“Kaizen is great with project management. Their level of talent and engagement with the product are outstanding; they execute well and put a lot of effort into understanding how everything works. Listen to their team’s recommendations and follow the practices they have in place because they know what they’re doing”.
Client: Charles Weldon, Senior Product Manager at SmartSense by Digi
Charles Weldon,
Senior Product Manager
at SmartSense by Digi



Explore how we’ve modernized a custom monitoring mobile app for the food industry, a platform trusted by industry leaders such as Walmart and McDonals’s.

Food Safety
Custom Mobile App
UI/UX Design
React Native
Partners Since 2019

Explore the development process of this customized IoT software crafted for efficient employee health screening amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Health Screening
Mobile App
React Native
Partners Since 2019

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